Summer 2024 Scholarship Winner Recaps

Sarah Bishop

I feel honored to have been awarded one of the NCLGBA Summer 2024 Conference Scholarships in Beaufort.  As a first-time attendee, this conference was a great opportunity for me to network with various finance and budget professionals from across the state and experience very insightful presentations with strong content related to my work.

As a first-time attendee I was nervous at first, but I was fortunate to have the opportunity to volunteer with conference registration and that allowed me the opportunity to meet new people and feel much more comfortable from the start of the conference. 

This conference began with a dynamic speaker that inspired us to create an extraordinary life and really focused on surrounding ourselves with a great team to help us to achieve those extraordinary feats.  This was the perfect start to a very engaging conference that also included sessions related to equity, diversity, cost-allocation, general obligation bonds, budget testimonials and much more.  I was so impressed with how relevant and helpful all of the sessions were and I was able to bring that content back to my team for application into our daily work. 

Aside from the content, the other major benefit that I received from this conference was the professional networking.  The level of professional knowledge that I witnessed in the participants at this conference was incredible.  I feel so fortunate to have been a part of this conference and I look forward to using the resources I gained to benefit the local government finance and budgeting fields and the citizens that we serve.

Matthew Dellinger

As a graduate student and first-time attendee of the NCLGBA conference, I was eager to engage in learning and networking with colleagues and professionals in my field. 

The sessions I participated in offered a diverse range of valuable insights, spanning from strategies for early career success in budget offices to innovative approaches in facility sustainability. Led by seasoned experts who shared their practical knowledge, the sessions in Beaufort covered topics such as DEI initiatives, cost allocation methods, sustainable practices, responsible debt management, and comprehensive G.O. Bond strategies. There were also updates on legislation and economics regarding North Carolina local governments. These sessions were particularly beneficial due to their relevance to a wide spectrum of attendees. 

Beyond the formal sessions, the networking opportunities at the conference enabled me to establish connections with budget offices across the state. These interactions led to a mentoring relationship that extended beyond the conference, proving invaluable as I progress toward a career in budgeting. 

Moreover, the networking sessions provided me with direct access to current budget managers. I seized the opportunity to inquire about current industry challenges, their criteria for hiring new talent, and other pertinent aspects of budget management. This experience significantly contributed to my professional development, equipping me with practical insights that will continue to benefit me well beyond the conference. 

Overall, the NCLGBA conference was an enriching experience that not only broadened my knowledge base but also fostered meaningful professional connections critical to my future in the field of budget management. I would like to say thank you again to NCLGBA for selecting me as a 2024 conference scholarship winner!